Watercolour Beginner and Post-Beginner Workshop with Faith Love-Robertson
Want to begin to paint in watercolour or perhaps restart watercolour artwork and inspire yourself with a painting class?
This class will concentrate on basics like shape, shadow, colour, texture, composition and technique. The first day we’ll study form, shade and shadow. Contrasts of light against dark expressed the completion of a simple still life with dramatic lighting.
On Day 2, we can take what we covered in the first day and set the scene of our project in a landscape. We will cover the use of resists like masking fluid and masking tape as well as textural techniques.
Supply List:
• paper – I sheet 140lb medium watercolour paper
• paint- a good mix of red, yellow, and blue paints. Suggest ultramarine blue, thalo blue, permanent rose, new gamboge yellow or hansa yellow deep, burnt sienna,
• mixing palette
• rags
• sketch book, pencil, eraser
• masking tape
• masking fluid ( if you don’t have this item I will bring some)
• brushes – one wide flat, one #6 or #7 round, one rigger or liner brush
• small spray bottle
• water container
(reference material will be provided)