ETHOS Interactive Displays at the MAC
ETHOS presents awesome interactive displays and activities which explore our Oceanside coastline and the ongoing local community projects to protect our unique ocean ecosystems.
Check out the Marine Critters Touch Tank* and marvel at the creatures in the Microscope Lab. Can you tell the difference between Coho and Chinook Salmon Fry? What’s a caddisfly? Learn about and identify live creatures in the Salmon Fry and Pond Critters Aquariums! Join our Scavenger Hunt and win prizes! Add your voice to the Arrowview Elementary School student art display, Netted Gartbage, with beach debris from our local coastline and tell us what you can do to protect our nearshore areas. ETHOS is free and open throughout the month of August as part of the Soft Shore: Where Land And Water Meet interactive art installation at the MAC.
FREE – Everyone welcome
August 1-30 during Gallery Hours (Tue-Sun 10-4)
*Touch Tank Aug 24 only
Read on for more information about
ETHOS celebrates youth and community groups stepping up for climate change