Oil Painting Techniques with Dominik Modlinski
Saturday, November 27th
10:00 to 4:00
Limit: 10 participants
Cost $175
CLASS FULL – contact the MAC for waitlist
Join Dominik for a full day of painting as he walks you through oil painting techniques and their application in landscape painting. Oil paint has been most artists’ first choice for hundreds of years, and with good reason. The colours are gorgeous, you can do anything with them, and they last forever. Oil painting is an extremely flexible medium adaptable to any range of techniques and styles.
You will be introduced to safely using oil paints, how to mix colours to create a palette, basic colour theory, how to prepare a surface for painting, how to complete a painting, and how to use various brushes for different effects. This class is geared towards people who want to try oil painting for the first time, or people who want to improve their skills in mixing colours, composition, and brush techniques.
Students will be working along with Dominik in step-by step approach in order to create their own studio oil painting.
If you can, use professional quality paints for colour quality and intensity.
Please bring your favorite group of paints. My suggestion for pigments selection is as follows:
Titanium white, Cadmium yellow lemon, Cadmium yellow deep, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Red Deep, Quinacridone Red, Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Umber, Burt Sienna, Viridian Green, Sap Green, Phthalo Green blue, Phthalo Green yellow, Phthalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Phthalo Turquoise, Dioxazine Violet.
Purchase your supplies for this workshop from Qualicum Art Supply and receive a 10% discount!

*Please note:
The MAC has robust COVID-19 protocols to provide a safe and healthy art experience for all visitors to the Arts Centre. Proof of vaccination will be required. All students and visitors are required to bring and wear a facemask while they are in the Studio, Gift Shop and Galleries, to practice social distancing, and to make use of the hand disinfectant provided.