Gathering our Frayed Edges – Now Online
FREE Art Therapy Open Studio sessions
with Art Therapist Marie Butler
Mondays from 5-7 pm
March 22 to April 26, 2021
Now Online
Welcome to Gathering our Frayed Edges, FREE Art Therapy Open Studio sessions on Mondays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm from March 22 to April 26, 2021.
There are six dates to choose from, register in as many as you would like to attend. We respectfully ask that if you cannot attend a session that you have registered for to let us know in advance so that we can give your seat to someone else. You will receive the contact information in your welcome email.
This program is made available by the Oceanside Community Art Council and a grant from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and Parksville-Qualicum Community Foundation we are able to offer these sessions free of charge and at this time to members of our local Oceanside Community.
We will be meeting online from the studio at the Macmillan Art Centre (MAC), 133 McMillan Street, Parksville, BC.
Participants require NO PREVIOUS ART EXPERIENCE to join in this ongoing exploration of the creative process with therapeutic intent. All the art materials are provided in the studio for you to use.
We will adhere to the BC protocol for in-person meetings. A maximum of 8 participants per group and one onsite facilitator/ art therapy intern.
WHAT Does the studio process look like?
The Studio Process will follow a similar structure each session:
• check in and greetings
• setting of intention
• art making and/or reflective writing
• option to share and be witnessed by your peers in the group
• closing/gratitude
The sessions will be facilitated by an in-person art therapy intern (Heidi Abbott) as well, through video link, Creative Arts Psychotherapist, Marie Butler.
Art Therapist Bio:
Marie Butler is a Creative Arts Psychotherapist who operates her own private practice, The She Shed Studio, in Edmonton, Alberta. Her business motto, ‘where soil meets with soul’ speaks to Marie’s passion in life and work.
Nature’s ever-present offerings connect her to both the physical and mystical aspects of Creation, where she finds her most authentic expression.
Her passion to co-create with the land, especially the willow tree, takes her outside of the studio. She also enjoys weaving, needle felting and all aspects of stitching, with both fabric, paper and words. For years she visited schools as the character of ‘Grandma Willow’ offering story-telling and creative projects with the willow tree, as well as performing at The International Children’s Festival in St. Albert.
She is a grateful alumnus of St. Stephen’s where she completed her MPS-Art Therapy specialization and is now an Associate Faculty Member. She began her professional career as an Art Therapist at the Cross Cancer Institute where she supported children and their families who were faced with a cancer diagnosis as well as facilitating the Arts in Medicine Program.

Many thanks to The Gallery at Qualicum Art Supply for their support of the Art Open Studio program.