Art Bites Classes for February 2025
$45/Class – supplies included
AM classes: 10am – 12 pm
PM classes: 1-3 pm
Register online or at the MAC Office

About Art Bites:
Art Bites is a fun way to try out all different kinds of art mediums without investing a lot of time and money. Our instructors are welcoming and encourage everyone to ‘just have’ fun creating art. Try something you’ve always wondered about, or take a class with a friend or family member just for fun! Our classes run from Sept-Dec in the fall and Jan-Jun in the spring
Regular Art Bites classes are $45 for a 2-hour class; Double Art Bites classes are $90 for four hours of fun.
Ready for more? Try our Art Gems classes and explore techniques and mediums in a more in-depth workshop setting. No experience necessary; all supplies included.
Art Bites – Grant Writing for Artists with Laurel Karjala
Sun Feb 23, 1-3pm
This hands-on workshop is designed to empower artists of all backgrounds with the information needed to write a personal funding plan. You will gain practical information and guidance on researching funding opportunities and we will discuss fundamental grant writing practices that will help you avoid common missteps in the funding process.
Grant Writing for Artists provides practical guidance on how to identify, apply for and present your artistic goals and funding requirements. Participants will learn how to search grant databases, interpret grant funding documents and how to choose funding opportunities that fit their needs and goals.
This workshop is ideal for artists seeking information about how to use grants to fund their artistic practice.
All materials provided
About the Instructor: Laurel Karjala ( is a visual artist, educator and writer. Her current series of abstract paintings spring from the shapes, colours and forms of BC’s coastline and Prairie grassland landscapes. She recently completed a month-long Artist in Residence program in Saskatchewan and in February 2025 she will present her paintings and drawings in the MAC’s Concert Gallery.
In 2022 Laurel won a significant Canada Council for the Arts, Research and Create grant, for a year-long painting project. In 2023-24 she completed courses in grant writing through McMaster University’s online programs.
Since mid 2023 Laurel has played a key role in completing grant applications that were successful in securing funding for the OCAC (and its partners) from the BC Arts Council, BC Community Gaming, BC Fairs, Festivals and Events, municipal and corporate funders.

Double Art Bites – Collage Art with Merrilyn Laursen
Sun Feb 16, 10 am – 2pm
In this special Double Art Bites class, you’ll have 4 hours to get into Collage.
Come have some fun creating a Collage Landscape out of papers that you have made yourself! The first half of the class will be dedicated to making papers on tissue, waxed paper and copy paper, using a gel plate or other techniques to create textures and patterns with acrylic paints.
Once your papers are created and dry, you will then tear, cut and glue them onto a 5”x7” canvas board to create a collage landscape scene. Fine felt-tip pens might or might not be used to further enhance your scene.
If you’d like, bring photos of any landscapes that inspire you and get ready to surprise yourself!
Cost: $90 – all materials provided
About the Instructor: Merrilyn Laursen lives, plays, and paints in Parksville. Her art journey started with watercolours, then progressed to acrylic paints. During Covid lockdown, online explorations introduced her to collage where she has discovered that the possibilities are endless and so exciting!!